
China’s social media giant Sina Weibo suspends seven-year-old function ranking entertainers as government pushes new fan industry regulations


China’s Twitter-like social media platform Sina Weibo has suspended a seven-year-old function that ranks entertainers through fan voting in the wake of a campaign launched by the Chinese government to bring order to the country’s fan club industry.

The campaign, which has mobilized enterprises, individuals and government organizations to crack down on unhealthy fan culture, has made some progress after its implementation two months ago.


5日早间,中纪委国家监委网站发布文章,深度关注饭圈乱象。几日之前,结合为期2个月的“清朗·‘饭圈’乱象整治”专项行动成果,有关部门公布了不良粉丝文化整治工作的阶段性成果:中央网信办目前 已累计清理负面有害信息15万余条,处置违规账号4000余个,关闭问题群组1300余个,解散不良话题814个,拦截下架涉嫌集资引流的小程序39款。


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