
Shanghai accelerates seniors’ COVID-19 vaccination rate to prevent deaths; number of positive cases drops


Shanghai, a megacity with a population of over 25 million residents, has recorded a drop in the number of new COVID-19 positive cases for six consecutive days after being under “static management” for one month, but it has seen a surge in severe cases and deaths, with experts agreeing that it should be a top priority to raise the vaccination rate for seniors to prevent further deaths.

上海是一个拥有超过 2500 万居民的特大城市,在“封城管理”一个月后,新的新冠阳性病例数连续六天下降,但严重病例和死亡人数激增,专家一致认为,提高老年人的疫苗接种率以防止进一步死亡应该是重中之重。

Shanghai has recorded over 500,000 positive cases over the latest outbreak and is still facing challenges in treating severe COVID-19 patients as 47 more deaths were recorded on Wednesday.

上海在最近一次爆发中记录了超过 500,000 例阳性病例,并且在治疗重症新冠患者方面仍面临挑战,因为周三记录了 47 例死亡。

The 47 patients had an average age of 84.7, and all had severe underlying diseases. Among all the 285 deaths in Shanghai, only 14 were vaccinated, the Shanghai local health commission said on Thursday.

47例患者平均年龄84.7岁,均存在严重基础疾病。 上海市卫健委周四表示,在上海的所有 285 例死亡病例中,只有 14 人接种了疫苗。


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