三星(Samsung)副董事长李在荣(Lee Jae-young)将成为韩国最富有的股东

三星(Samsung)副董事长李在荣(Lee Jae-young)将成为韩国最富有的股东
Lee Jae-young, Samsung vice-chairman, to emerge the richest stockholder in South Korea
三星(Samsung)副董事长李在荣(Lee Jae-young)将成为韩国最富有的股东

Lee Jae-young, vice chairman of global tech giant Samsung Electronics, is expected to emerge as South Korea’s richest stockholder following his father’s death, a market tracker said on Monday. Lee Kun-hee, Samsung Electronics chairman and chief of South Korea’s top conglomerate Samsung Group, died on October 25 at age 78, more than six years after being hospitalized for a heart attack.

周一,市场跟踪机构称,全球科技巨头三星电子的副董事长李在荣(Lee Jae-young)将在其父亲去世后成为韩国最富有的股东。韩国最大的企业集团三星集团三星电子CEO李健熙,住院六年后心脏病发作,于10月25日逝世,享年78岁。


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