
中英双语新闻:索尼豪赌多人在线游戏 与微软角力
Sony bets on multiplayer games in battle with Microsoft
索尼豪赌多人在线游戏 与微软角力

中英双语新闻:索尼豪赌多人在线游戏 与微软角力

Sony said it plans to offer 10 new multiplayer online titles by 2026, surprising analysts with a potentially transformational bet as the Japanese entertainment group escalates its rivalry with Microsoft.


The expansion of so-called “live service” games comes as efforts to retain a historic lead over its US rival in the latest round of console wars continue to be hit by the pandemic and disruption to semiconductor supply chains.

在所谓的“live service”游戏(在游戏发行后通过持续发行可下载内容来吸引玩家回归的运营方式——译者注)加大发力之际,索尼在最新一轮主机大战中保持对美国竞争对手的历史领先优势的努力,继续受到疫情和半导体供应链中断的打击。

On Wednesday, Sony lowered its forecast of PlayStation 5 sales in the financial year ending in March to 11.5mn, down from its previous estimate of 14.8mn. The console, which was launched in November 2020, remains sought after and is difficult to buy in many markets despite a still limited range of blockbuster titles.

周三,索尼将PlayStation 5在截至3月的财年的销量预测从之前的1480万台下调至1150万台。这款在2020年11月推出的游戏机在许多市场仍然抢手,不容易买到,尽管畅销游戏仍然有限。


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