Google Chrome gets new logo after 8 years
Google is changing its Chrome browser logo for the first time in eight years. Elvin Hu, a designer for Google Chrome, offers a first look at the logo`s redesign in a thread on Twitter. “Some of you might have noticed a new icon in Chrome`s Canary update today. Yes! we`re refreshing Chrome`s brand icons for the first time in 8 years. The new icons will start to appear across your devices soon,” Hu said in a tweet.
近日 Google 发布了最新的 Chrome Canary 版本,在这个版本中 Chrome 换上了一个「全新」的 Logo。此次是 Chrome 自 2014 年后,时隔 8 年再次更新 Logo,也是 Chrome 自 2008 年诞生以来的第 4 版 Logo。