Hong Kong tycoon calls bottom of China property slump
Hong Kong real estate tycoon Adrian Cheng has called the bottom of mainland China’s property market crash, saying his New World Development group plans to invest Rmb10bn ($1.46bn) in land over the next year.
香港房地产大亨郑志刚(Adrian Cheng)称中国内地房地产市场下挫已见底,称他执掌的新世界发展(New World Development)集团计划在未来一年投资100亿元人民币(合14.6亿美元)在内地购买土地。
Cheng, chief executive of Hong Kong-listed New World Development and heir to the Chow Tai Fook family fortune, is more upbeat than many analysts, who say Chinese property prices in the sector could fall further amid a liquidity crisis and a slowing economy.
身为在香港上市的新世界发展的行政总裁、周大福(Chow Tai Fook)家族财富的继承人,郑志刚比许多分析师更为乐观,后者表示,在流动性危机和经济放缓的背景下,中国房地产价格可能会进一步下跌。

“Now is the bottom, and it’s going to slowly recover. See I’m very optimistic that in the next one or two years, it will be recovering very, very well,” Cheng told the Financial Times in an interview. “It’s a good opportunity to start acquiring our war chest, in land and assets.”