Liz Truss to be UK prime minister after winning Tory leadership race
Liz Truss has comfortably won the race to become leader of the Conservative party and on Tuesday will become Britain’s prime minister, facing one of the most daunting economic crises of recent times.
利兹•特拉斯(Liz Truss)高票赢得保守党党魁选举,将在周二成为英国首相,负责应对近几十年最令人生畏的经济危机之一。
The foreign secretary beat her rival Rishi Sunak, former chancellor, in a ballot of Conservative party members by 81,326 votes to 60,399 — a 57-43 per cent victory — after a bruising seven-week contest to succeed Boris Johnson. The turnout among the 172,437 eligible voters was 82.6 per cent.
经过为期七周、旨在接替鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)的激烈角逐,现任外交大臣特拉斯在保守党党员投票中以8.1326万票对6.0399万票——得票率为57%对43%——击败她的对手、前财相里希•苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)。17.2437万合格投票者的投票率为82.6%。

Truss will on Tuesday meet the Queen at Balmoral, the monarch’s country estate, and will then immediately return to London to address the nation from Downing Street and announce her cabinet.