1. My big fear is losing sight of the notion that the condition of your birth does not determine the outcome of your life.
知识点:lose sight of….
例句1:“看不见”:We finally lose sight of the land. 我们终于看不见陆地了。
例句2:“忽略,忘记”:We must never lose sight of the fact that man must work in harmony with nature.我们决不能忘记这一点——人类必须与大自然和谐共处。(ps:替换neglect或forget)
2. But it (America) has also held more fervently than any other country the belief that all comers can penetrate that elite as long as they have talent, perseverance and gumption.
知识点(1):hold the belief=think, believe;(2) penetrate: If someone penetrates an organization, a group, or a profession, they succeed in entering it although it is difficult to do so. (排除困难) 进入;在这句话中penetrate that elite(跻身精英阶层),在我试着回译时,仅仅想到用join or enter。另外,意思相近的短语rise to the top。

3. Not only do graduate couples tend to value education; they also tend to have money to spend on it.
4. XX has distinguished itself as one of the leading accounting firms in the world.
~ yourself (as sth) to do sth so well that people notice and admire you 使出众;使著名;使受人青睐
例句:She has already distinguished herself as an athlete. 作为运动员她已享有盛名。
5. A primary driver of XX‘’是success has been its focus on building deep domain knowledge in key sectors of interests.
知识点:building deep domain knowledge in…

6. We will explore with management how XX differentiates itself from competition, both in regard to product and service quality.
A quality or feature that differentiates one thing from another makes the two things different. 使有差别
differentiates itself from competition:从竞争中脱颖而出。之所以这样处理,是之前的中译英的材料中看到了“脱颖而出”,当时查这个词的地道翻译,还小费功夫去求证了下。