Solar industry warns EU rules would hamper clean energy transition
Vital Chinese supply chain would be hit by local content proposals in Net Zero Industry Act
European solar companies say that local content rules in the EU’s proposal to boost the bloc’s renewables manufacturing will make the transition to clean energy more difficult because of limits on Chinese imports.The European Commission’s proposed Net Zero Industry Act, which was announced on Thursday, obliges governments to mark down public tenders for renewables projects if companies source from a single country that accounts for a more than 65 per cent of the EU market share for the product. The same rules would apply to products that are offered with a consumer subsidy to encourage uptake.
This would disadvantage solar companies, which the act deems as having “insufficiently diversified” supply. China has a more than 80 per cent share of the European market across the industry supply chain.
欧盟委员会(European Commission)上周四提出的《净零工业法案》(Net Zero Industry Act)要求成员国政府在可再生能源项目的公开招标中对某些投标者作降级处理——如果企业从某个国家采购产品,而该国的相关产品已在欧盟占据65%以上的市场份额。同样的规则也将适用于提供消费者补贴的产品。

Last year, the EU achieved a record installation of more than 40GW of solar panels after a push to replace Russian gas. That was made possible by more than doubling annual European imports of solar panels from China, according to the commission.