OpenAI意图为 “GPT “注册商标

OpenAI wants to trademark ‘GPT’
OpenAI意图为 “GPT “注册商标

The name “GPT” has become synonymous with AI chatbots worldwide. Piggybacking on the success of ChatGPT, many companies have added “GPT” to the names of their chatbots. This has provoked OpenAI, the company behind “GPT,” to apply for trademarking the name. It is yet to be approved. DateGPT, SeaGPT, Gita GPT, and dirtyGPT are only a few among multiple chatbots with “GPT” in their names.
“GPT”这个名字已经成为全球人工智能聊天机器人的代名词。由于ChatGPT的成功,许多公司都在其聊天机器人的名称中加入了 “GPT”。这促使 “GPT “背后的公司OpenAI申请该名称的商标。它尚未被批准。DateGPT、SeaGPT、GitaGPT和dirtyGPT只是多个名称中带有 “GPT “的聊天机器人中的几个。


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