China to lay down AI rules with emphasis on content control
Moves towards licensing system reflects Beijing’s struggle to encourage technology while censoring information

China is to issue rules for generative AI as Beijing seeks to balance encouraging local companies to develop the revolutionary technology against its desire to control content.
中国将出台关于生成式人工智能(generative AI)的监管规定。目前,北京方面正寻求在鼓励本土企业开发这种革命性技术与想要控制其内容之间取得平衡。
The Cyberspace Administration of China, the powerful internet watchdog, aims to create a system that will force companies to gain a licence before they can release generative AI systems, said two people close to the regulators.
两名与中国监管机构关系密切的人士表示,权力很大的互联网监管机构国家互联网信息办公室(Cyberspace Administration of China,简称:网信办)想要建立一套制度,要求企业须先获得许可证才能推出生成式人工智能。
That requirement tightens draft regulations issued in April, which had provided groups more room for manoeuvre, as groups had 10 working days to register their product with Chinese authorities after launch.