How China’s property crisis has unfolded, from Evergrande to Country Garden
Thousands of unfinished homes and a swath of debt restructurings show the turmoil among developers

China’s biggest private sector developer, Country Garden, appears to be heading for default after failing to make a payment on an offshore bond — another critical moment in the slow reckoning taking place in the country’s vast property sector.
碧桂园(Country Garden)似乎正走向违约,这家中国最大的民营房地产开发商未能支付一只境外债券的相关款项,成为中国庞大房地产行业正在经历的缓慢“清算”过程中的又一个关键时刻。
Two years ago it was the default of another developer, Evergrande, that encapsulated concern over the scale of problems in Chinese property. Evergrande had racked up $340bn of liabilities and become the world’s most indebted property developer.
Country Garden was long thought more stable but its problems now show both the deterioration in the sector — with sales drying up and thousands of stalled developments across China — and the difficulties for Beijing in getting to grips with a long crisis that has shaken the world’s second-largest economy.