Google to invest up to $2 billion in OpenAI rival
Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has confirmed plans to invest up to a staggering $2 billion in artificial intelligence start-up Anthropic, said a spokesperson for the latter, per The Wall Street Journal. The investment has kicked off with an initial $500 million and will be followed by an additional $1.5 billion over time. This strategic move showcases Google’s determination to rival Microsoft, a key supporter of OpenAI, as major tech giants race to incorporate AI into their platforms.
据《华尔街日报》报道,谷歌的母公司Alphabet已确认计划向人工智能初创公司Anthropic投资高达20亿美元,后者的发言人表示。这项投资以最初的 5 亿美元开始,随后将再投资 15 亿美元。这一战略举措表明,随着各大科技巨头竞相将人工智能纳入其平台,谷歌决心与OpenAI的主要支持者Microsoft竞争。