Alibaba founder Jack Ma urges staff to learn from rival Pinduoduo
Intervention comes at critical moment for tech group that has reversed course on radical restructuring plan
Jack Ma has urged employees at Alibaba to learn from one of its closest Chinese rivals as the ecommerce giant he founded tries to find a new path after abandoning parts of its ambitious restructuring plan. “I firmly believe that Alibaba will change and reform,” Ma wrote in a post published on Alibaba’s internal forum on Wednesday and seen by the Financial Times. “I believe that Alibaba employees are always watching and listening,” he said.
马云(Jack Ma)敦促阿里巴巴(Alibaba)员工向其最接近的中国竞争对手之一学习。在放弃部分雄心勃勃的重组计划后,这家马云创立的电子商务巨头正试图找到一条新道路。

He was responding to an employee post about the “stunning” third-quarter financial results from PDD Holdings, which saw Alibaba’s upstart rival nearly double revenue to $9.4bn.
The results sent its shares 18 per cent higher on Tuesday in New York. This gives the group behind Pinduoduo and Temu a market value of $183bn, only just below the $195bn of Alibaba, long China’s biggest ecommerce company.
他是在回复一名员工关于拼多多控股(PDD Holdings)让人“吓一跳”的第三季度财务业绩的帖子。这家阿里巴巴的新锐竞争对手的营收增长了近一倍,达到94亿美元。