Samsung, Tesla collaborate for SmartThings Energy integration
Samsung is teaming up with Tesla to link SmartThings Energy with Tesla products like Powerwall home battery. This exciting collaboration is made possible by Tesla’s open APIs. It will provide users with information about their energy production, storage, and usage. In addition, SmartThings Energy will be able to connect to Tesla’s Solar Inverter, Wall Connector charging solutions, and EVs. The Powerwall connection will be previewed at Samsung’s booth during CES. Its wider release is expected in Q2 2024.
三星正在与特斯拉合作,将SmartThings Energy与Powerwall家用电池等特斯拉产品联系起来。三星SmartThings平台的用户将能够连接到Powerwall家用储能电池等特斯拉产品,便于用户跟踪发电和使用情况。
三星称,公司将在下周开幕的CES上演示SmartThings与Powerwall的连接,但是这项功能要到2024年第二季度才会更大范围地推出。当连接到特斯拉Powerwall电池时,三星SmartThings Energy能源平台可以与Powerwall的“风暴观察”(Storm Watch)功能同步,这样用户就可以在三星手机或电视上收到恶劣天气的通知。
除了Powerwall外,SmartThings Energy还可以连接到特斯拉的其他产品,包括电动汽车、太阳能逆变器和壁挂式连接器充电解决方案。