Why is China much more crowded than Japan?
Actually that statement is completely opposite to the fact!
Certainly, China has a much larger population,but, Japan is more crowded!
Notice that all of the Japanese islands are heavy populated except for a small part of northern Hokkaido.

But, China, except for the eastern third of the country is pretty lowly populated, infact almost empty in much of the west!
In numbers, China has 1.4 billion living in 3.705 million square miles or an average population density of 375 per square mile.
从数字上看,中国有 14 亿人口,居住在 370.5 万平方英里的土地上,平均人口密度为每平方英里 375 人。
Japan is smaller than California with only 145,000 square miles of land, however has 125 million living on it or an average densely of 865 people per square mile, thats nearly 2.5 times more crowded than China!
日本比加州小,只有 145,000 平方英里的土地,但居住着 1.25 亿人,平均每平方英里有 865 人,人口密度是中国的近 2.5 倍!