Chinese provinces use AI in move to stop cheating in university entrance exams
A number of Chinese provinces have used artificial intelligence to monitor the national college entrance examination, or gaokao, and crack down on cheating and other violations.
A record number of 13.42 million students have registered this year for the exams, which start on Saturday, according to the Ministry of Education.
据教育部称,今年周六开始的考试报名人数达到创纪录的 1342 万人。
Regulators have adopted various technologies in recent years, including deploying drones to detect cheating activities in 2015.
近年来,监管机构采用了各种技术,包括在 2015 年部署无人机来检测作弊活动。

And since 2016, cheating in the gaokao can be treated as a criminal offence.
According to the official Guangdong Daily, the province has deployed AI across 386 examination sites to detect cheating, plagiarism and other abnormal behaviours through image and video data. If abnormalities are detected, the system immediately triggers an alarm alerting the supervisor to take action.
据广东官方报道,该省已在 386 个考点部署人工智能,通过图像和视频数据检测作弊、抄袭和其他异常行为。如果检测到异常,系统立即触发警报,提醒主管采取行动。