
China’s education ministry orders nationwide check of textbooks after ‘ugly illustration’ scandal sparks furor






The Chinese Education Ministry on Saturday ordered a thorough inspection of elementary and middle school textbooks nationwide and urged People’s Education Press to rectify issues flagged after illustrations in the state publisher’s textbooks were embroiled in “ugly and pornographic illustration” controversy.

The ministry order came after the controversy evolved for several days and netizens found illustrations not only differed from common aesthetics but also included sexual connotations, with many suspecting that the textbooks did not undergo proper proofreading and review.

The publisher on Saturday said they had reflected on public concern and felt a deep sense of guilt. A work team has been established to rectify the issues raised.

They will selecting quality designers to replace all the illustrations in the elementary school math textbooks, and make sure new math textbooks can be used in the new semester in the fall.

The People’s Education Press vowed to listen to parents and teachers’ advice when drafting the replacement and will launch a review of other textbooks to identify potential problems and correct them.



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