Korean chipmakers alarmed over tough conditions for US subsidies
Requirement to share some excess profits seen as dangerous precedent
South Korean chipmakers have expressed alarm at tough conditions revealed this week for companies taking advantage of a $39bn US federal fund designed to encourage advanced chip manufacturing in America.
Of particular concern is a requirement for companies to share some of their unexpected excess profits with the US government, according to a clause in commerce department guidelines unveiled this week for applications for funds from the Chips Act, passed by Congress last year.
韩国芯片制造商尤其担忧的是,根据美国商务部本周公布的申请《芯片法》(Chips Act)基金指引文件中的一项条款,企业必须将意外超额利润分一部分给美国政府。美国国会去年通过了该法。

The new subsidies are aimed at building a leading edge US semiconductor industry as part of efforts to counter China, but South Korean chipmakers such as Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix are worried about the implications as they plan to build plants in the US and still rely heavily on their chipmaking operations in China.
这些新补贴旨在打造美国本土的领先半导体产业,以压制中国,但三星电子(Samsung Electronics)和SK海力士(SK Hynix)等韩国芯片制造商对这些补贴的影响感到担忧——它们计划在美国建厂,但同时仍严重依赖在中国的芯片制造业务。