苹果将生产长期传闻的电动汽车,零部件由iPhone 3D传感器供应商提供

Apple’s long speculated electric car to get parts created by iPhone 3D sensor supplier

Apple will use parts created by iPhone 3D sensor supplier for its long-rumoured electric vehicle, the media reported. According to sources, Apple Car will use new sensors to enhance its LiDAR capabilities that will sense the road ahead, reports AppleInsider. The long-rumoured car will likely feature some form of self-driving facility, which the tech giant has publicly been testing for several years.

据媒体报道,苹果公司将使用由iPhone 3D传感器供应商创建的零部件来生产其长期传闻的电动汽车。据消息人士称,Apple Car将使用新的传感器来增强其激光雷达的功能,以感知前方道路情况。长期被传闻的汽车可能会具备某种形式的自动驾驶功能,这是该科技巨头已经公开测试了数年的领域。


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