
Tim Cook to unveil India’s first Apple retail stores in Mumbai, Delhi next week

As Apple firms up its plans to put India on its global manufacturing and retail map, CEO Tim Cook will be in India next week to inaugurate Apple’s brick-and-mortar stores in Mumbai and Delhi. Reliable sources told IANS that Cook will inaugurate Apple’s own branded retail stores, at Jio World Drive Mall in Mumbai and at Select CityWalk mall in Saket, Delhi, that will be the first for the tech giant which has doubled down on its India growth plans.
随着苹果公司加紧计划将印度纳入其全球制造和零售版图,首席执行官蒂姆-库克下周将在印度为苹果在孟买和德里的实体店举行开幕式。可靠的消息来源告诉国际在线,库克将在孟买的Jio World Drive购物中心和德里Saket的Select CityWalk购物中心为苹果公司自己的品牌零售店举行开幕式。


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