Tesla and Chinese rivals signal EV price war truce in ‘socialist values’ pledge
特斯拉及中国车企签署联名信 预示价格战将结束
Beijing orchestrates commitment among manufacturers in world’s biggest electric-vehicle market

Elon Musk’s Tesla has joined Chinese automakers in pledging to enhance “core socialist values” and compete fairly in the country’s car market after Beijing directed the industry to rein in a months-long price war.
埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)的特斯拉(Tesla)与中国本土汽车制造商一道承诺弘扬“社会主义核心价值观”、维护中国汽车市场公平秩序。此前,中国政府指示该行业收束长达数月的价格战。
Tesla and its biggest Chinese rival BYD were among 16 manufacturers to make the commitment in a letter signed at a motor industry conference in Shanghai on Thursday. It follows a battle among EV makers after Tesla slashed prices on its Model 3 and Model Y cars last October in the face of rising domestic competition.
周四在于上海举行的一个汽车行业会议上,包括特斯拉及其最大本土竞争对手比亚迪(BYD)在内的16家制造商联合签署一份公开信,做出了上述承诺。面对来自本土车企日益激烈的竞争,特斯拉(Tesla)去年10月大幅下调了Model 3和Model Y两款车型的售价,此后电动汽车制造商之间展开了一场价格战。
Tesla and Warren Buffett-backed BYD have been the chief beneficiaries, boosting sales at the expense of a clutch of smaller rivals and some foreign brands. Both companies reported record sales in the second quarter.
特斯拉和沃伦•巴菲特(Warren buffett)投资过的比亚迪(BYD)是价格战的主要受益者,它们通过降价提高了销量,一些规模较小的竞争对手和一些外国品牌则沦为输家。两家公司在第二季度都报告了创纪录的销量。