Apple Vision Pro to be launched by February
苹果的头显设备 Apple Vision Pro 将于明年 2 月推出
Apple will release its mixed reality headset, the Vision Pro, by February, according to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. The production for the device is running at “full speed” in China, with plans to have retail units ready by January’s end. It is priced at $3,499 . Apple has even scheduled two-day training sessions for select Apple Store representatives in Cupertino in January.
据彭博社的马克·古尔曼(Mark Gurman)称,苹果将在2月之前发布其混合现实头显Vision Pro。该设备的生产正在中国“全速”进行,计划在1月底前准备好零售单位。它的价格为 3,499 美元。苹果甚至安排了1月份在库比蒂诺为部分苹果商店代表安排为期两天的培训课程。