Evergrande ordered to be wound up by court in Hong Kong
Indebted Chinese property developer failed to agree restructuring plan with creditors
A Hong Kong court has ordered China Evergrande to be wound up, in a ruling that opens a new and unpredictable phase in the collapse of the world’s most indebted property developer.
一家香港法院已下令将中国恒大(China Evergrande)清盘,给这家世界上负债最重的房地产开发商的破产历程开启了一个新的并且难以预料的阶段。

High Court Judge Linda Chan issued the liquidation order on Monday after the developer was unable to come up with a restructuring plan that would satisfy international creditors, despite months of negotiations.
尽管经过了数月的协商,恒大还是未能拿出令国际债权人满意的债务重组计划,香港高等法院的陈静芬(Linda Chan)法官于是在周一颁布了清盘令。
“It would be a situation where the court says enough is enough,” Chan said. “I consider that it is appropriate for the court to make a winding-up order against the company, and I so order.”