谷歌旗下的 YouTube 在全球拥有超过 1 亿的音乐和高级版订阅用户

Google-owned YouTube surpasses 100 Million music and premium subscribers globally
谷歌旗下的 YouTube 在全球拥有超过 1 亿的音乐和高级版订阅用户

Google-owned YouTube has surpassed 100 million Music and Premium subscribers globally, including trials, as of January this year. Adam Smith, VP of Product at YouTube, said that from small beginnings to a community of 100 million across more than 100 countries, “we’re grateful to our subscribers for their support”.
截至今年 1 月,谷歌旗下的 YouTube 在全球拥有超过 1 亿音乐和高级订阅者,包括试用版。YouTube产品副总裁亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)表示,从小规模发展到遍布100多个国家的1亿人社区,“我们感谢订阅者的支持”。


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