谷歌投资 10 亿美元用于海底电缆,以促进美日连通性

Google invests $1B in subsea cables to boost US-Japan connectivity
谷歌投资 10 亿美元用于海底电缆,以促进美日连通性

Google, the tech giant under Alphabet Inc., has committed a $1 billion investment to improve internet connectivity between the US and Japan. The initiative, revealed in a company blog post on Wednesday, involves deploying two new subsea cables named Proa and Taihei. The announcement comes at a time when Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is in the US to bolster ties between the two nations.
Alphabet Inc.旗下的科技巨头谷歌已承诺投资10亿美元,以改善美国日本之间的互联网连接。该计划在周三的公司官网中透露,涉及部署两条名为Proa和Taihei的新海底电缆。这一消息是在日本首相岸田文雄正在美国加强两国关系之际宣布的。


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