Europe warming at nearly double the global average, says study
The latest European State of the Climate (ESOTC) report for 2023, reveals that Europe is facing a severe climate crisis, warming at nearly double the global average. The study, conducted jointly by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization, shows that Europe’s temperatures have risen 2.3 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. This increase is significantly higher than the global rise of 1.3 degrees Celsius, marking 2023 as Europe’s second-warmest year on record.
最新的 2023 年欧洲气候状况 (ESOTC) 报告显示,欧洲正面临严重的气候危机,变暖速度几乎是全球平均水平的两倍。这项由哥白尼气候变化服务局(C3S)和联合国世界气象组织联合进行的研究表明,欧洲的气温比工业化前水平高出2.3摄氏度。这一增幅明显高于全球升幅 1.3 摄氏度,标志着 2023 年成为欧洲有记录以来第二热的年份。