
McDonald’s loses in chicken ‘Big Mac’ trademark dispute

An EU court ruled on Wednesday that McDonald’s has lost its trademark “Big Mac” for chicken products but kept it for beef, following a long-running dispute with Irish rival Supermac’s.
欧盟一家法院周三裁定,麦当劳(McDonald’s)在鸡肉汉堡不能继续使用其“巨无霸”(Big Mac)商标,但可以对其牛肉产品保留这一商标,此前,该公司与爱尔兰竞争对手超级麦克(Supermac’s)之间有一段持续时长较久的纠纷。

The ruling by the General Court followed a move by the EU Intellectual Property Office in 2019 that revoked McDonald’s registration of the trademark, arguing that the world’s largest fast-food chain had not shown genuine use of it over the five-year period before the case was filed in 2017.

Supermac’s claimed that McDonald’s used the trademark to prevent the expansion of Supermac’s in the bloc. The EU regulator found that the US company was not able to show so-called genuine use of the “Big Mac” trademark, which had been registered for McDonald’s in 1996.
超级麦克称,麦当劳利用该商标阻止超级麦克在欧盟境内扩张。该欧盟监管机构裁定,这家美国公司无法证明其真正使用了它在1996年注册的“Big Mac”商标。


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