TikTok complaint referred to US justice department
The Federal Trade Commission said it has “uncovered reason to believe” that TikTok and its Chinese parent company ByteDance “are violating or are about to violate the law” in a complaint referred to the US justice department for further action.
The FTC first began investigating TikTok over a possible violation of a law governing the online privacy of children several years ago. It said on Tuesday that it had also begun investigating potential breaches of the FTC Act, which outlaws “unfair or deceptive acts or practices” by businesses.
FTC最早在几年前就开始调查TikTok可能违反儿童网络隐私权相关法律的事宜。该委员会周二还表示,其已开始调查TikTok是否可能违反《联邦贸易委员会法》(FTC Act),该法案规定,企业“不公平或欺诈性的行为或做法”是违法的。