
Two panda cubs born in France named Yuan Dudu and Huan Lili highlighting deep China-France ties


Two giant panda cubs born at Beauval Zoo in central France were officially named as Yuan Dudu and Huan Lili at a ceremony on Thursday, a fresh highlight for China-France relations.

Huan Lili -“Huan” was named after their mother Huan Huan, and “Lili” represents Paris. Yuan Dudu – “Yuan” was named after the dad Yuan Zai and “Dudu” represents Chengdu in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province.

Born in August, the twins are already over a hundred days old, with their weight growing from 149 grams and 128 grams at birth to nearly 6 kilograms each now.

The elder sister Huan Lili has a longer mouth, fluffy hair, and looks alike to her father “Yuan Zai” while the little sister Yuan Dudu inherits the beauty of her mother. The two panda babies can already crawl freely and will soon learn to walk. In the Pairs’ frequent pillow fights, Yuan Dudu tends to always come out on top.

2021年11月18日,旅法大熊猫双胞胎幼崽“欢黎黎”“圆嘟嘟”命名仪式在法国博瓦勒动物园举行, 中国奥运跳水冠军张家齐、法国足球运动员姆巴佩共同为幼崽命名。驻法国使馆临时代办余劲松、法国外交部国务秘书勒穆瓦纳、中央-卢瓦尔河谷大区议会主席博诺、卢瓦尔-谢尔省省长佩斯诺、博瓦勒动物园园长德洛尔以及法国各界人士千余人共同出席活动。


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