微软数字化转型主管James Phillips离开公司

微软数字化转型主管James Phillips离开公司
Microsoft’s top executive James Phillips quits
微软数字化转型主管James Phillips离开公司

微软数字化转型主管James Phillips离开公司

After ten years at Microsoft, James Phillips will leave the company immediately. Phillips joined Microsoft in 2012 as a corporate vice president and strategic advisor to Satya Nadella, who has since become CEO of the company, reports Windows Central. In 2020, Phillips became the president of the Microsoft`s Digital Transformation Group, which oversees the tech giant`s business applications and services.

从4月15日起,老将詹姆斯-菲利普斯(James Phillips)将在供职10年后离开微软,菲利普斯是拥有约15000名员工的数字转型部门的总裁。这一决定是在菲利普斯延长休假后作出的。在给ZDNet的一封电子邮件中,微软执行副总裁斯科特-格思里(Scott Guthrie)宣布菲利普的离职是为了一个未指明的外部机会。


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