Volvo plans to install laser sensors on all new cars to increase safety
Volvo Cars intends to install laser-based sensors in all future models in an effort to cut serious accidents involving its vehicles by a fifth, becoming the first carmaker to roll out the technology across its entire fleet.
沃尔沃汽车(Volvo Cars)打算在所有未来车型中安装激光雷达传感器,力求将涉及其车辆的严重事故减少五分之一。此举将使该公司成为第一家在所有车型中采用这种技术的汽车制造商。
The upcoming electric version of its flagship XC90 sport utility vehicle, called the EX90, will feature a lidar sensor that allows it to see “a black tyre on a black road at 120m ahead, or a pedestrian at 250m”, said Volvo boss Jim Rowan.
沃尔沃汽车首席执行官吉姆•罗恩(Jim Rowan)表示,即将推出的旗舰XC90运动型多功能车(SUV)的电动版——EX90——将配备一个激光雷达传感器,使其能够看到“前方120米处黑色路面上的一个黑色轮胎,或前方250米处的一个行人”。

Using the system will reduce collisions by 9 per cent, and fatal or injury-inducing accidents by a fifth, Rowan added.