Chinese developer Country Garden hit by winding-up petition
Property group is among biggest victims of China’s real estate cash crunch
A Hong Kong-based creditor has filed a winding-up petition against struggling developer Country Garden, adding to a wave of legal action that threatens to increase liquidations across China’s property sector.The petition, filed by a company called Ever Credit at Hong Kong’s High Court, cited non-payment of a HK$1.6bn (US$204mn) loan facility plus accrued interest, Country Garden disclosed on Wednesday in an exchange filing.
碧桂园(Country Garden)的债权人、一家总部位于香港的公司对这个陷入困境的开发商提起了清盘呈请。这是一波法律行动中的最新一起,可能会让中国房地产行业的清算又加一桩。

Country Garden, which until recently was the largest developer in mainland China by sales, refocused global attention on the country’s struggling property sector when it missed interest payments on offshore bonds last summer.
碧桂园周三在一份交易所备案文件中披露,这家名为永恒信贷(Ever Credit Limited)的公司向香港高等法院(Hong Kong High Court)提交清盘呈请,内容有关该公司与碧桂园之间本金约16亿港元(合2.04亿美元)的未支付定期贷款及应计利息。
Its eventual default in October, two years after the 2021 collapse of its peer Evergrande, showed that developers thought to be among the country’s most resilient were still under severe pressure from a sector-wide cash crunch.