With TikTok Under Fire, Brands That Rely on It Worry
随着 TikTok 受到攻击,依赖它的品牌开始感到担忧
Many companies, particularly in the beauty and fashion industries, have boosted sales through the platform. They don’t really have a backup plan.

Amid debate in Washington over whether TikTok should be banned if its Chinese owner doesn’t sell it, one group is watching with particular interest: the many brands — particularly in the beauty, skin care, fashion, and health and wellness industries — that have used the video app to boost their sales.
在华盛顿关于如果中国所有者不出售 TikTok,那要不要禁止TikTok的争论中,美国有一个群体对此特别关注:许多品牌——特别是在美容、护肤、时尚以及健康和保健行业—— 它们都使用TikTok视频应用程序来提高产品销量。
Youthforia, a makeup brand with more than 185,000 followers on TikTok, is thinking about moving more marketing to other platforms, like YouTube and Instagram. Underlinings, which makes the popular brand Nailboo, planned to use TikTok to launch a product with a major retailer in August and is now wondering if it will have to change course. And BeautyStat, which sells skin care products on TikTok Shop, can’t even fathom the idea of the platform’s disappearing.
Youthforia 是一个在 TikTok 上拥有超过 185,000 名粉丝的化妆品牌,它正在考虑将更多营销活动转移到 YouTube 和 Instagram 等其他平台。 Underlines 是热门品牌 Nailboo 的生产商,该公司计划在 8 月份利用 TikTok 与一家大型零售商合作推出一款产品,现在正在考虑是否必须改变计划。 而在 TikTok Shop 上销售护肤品的 BeautyStat 甚至无法理解该平台就要“被消失”了。

TikTok is “just too big, especially in beauty and in certain industries, I feel, for it to disappear,” said Yaso Murray, BeautyStat’s chief marketing officer.
BeautyStat 首席营销官亚索·穆雷 (Yaso Murray) 表示,TikTok“太大了,尤其是在美容和某些行业,我认为它不会消失。”