Philippine police hunt Chinese suspect over Manila murder
The Chinese embassy has suggested the killing in a Makati hotpot restaurant may be linked to offshore gambling.
Philippine police are hunting a Chinese suspect over a fatal shooting in Metro Manila that the country’s embassy has hinted may be linked to offshore gambling.
According to The Philippine Star, the shooting occurred on Thursday in a hotpot restaurant in the Makati district. The victim – a 29-year-old Chinese man – was dining with “acquaintances in a private room of the restaurant” when he was shot.
据《菲律宾星报》报道,枪击事件周四发生在马卡蒂区的一家火锅店。受害者是一名 29 岁的中国男子,中枪时正在与“餐厅包间的熟人”一起用餐。