Tesla cars put on local Chinese government’s purchase list for first time
Tesla cars have been included on a Chinese local government’s list of electric vehicles that can be bought by public, party and government groups for the first time.
Elon Musk’s EV group is the only foreign-owned car manufacturer on the list published by the eastern province of Jiangsu. The company was among the 10 auto brands on the approved procurement list alongside Geely-owned Volvo Cars, SAIC-owned MG and state-owned Changan.
埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)的电动汽车集团是江苏省公布的入围供应商名单上唯一一家外资汽车制造商。同批入围的10个汽车品牌还包括吉利汽车(geely)旗下的沃尔沃汽车(Volvo Cars)、上汽集团(saic)旗下的名爵(MG)和国有的长安(Changan)。