Scientists confirm moon cave that could be used to shelter future explorers
Scientists have confirmed a cave on the moon, not far from where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed 55 years ago, and suspect there are hundreds more that could house future astronauts.
科学家们已经证实月球上有一个洞穴,距离尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和巴兹·奥尔德林 55 年前登陆的地方不远,并怀疑还有数百个洞穴可以容纳未来的宇航员。
An Italian-led team reported on Monday that there is evidence for a sizeable cave accessible from the deepest known pit on the moon. It is located at the Sea of Tranquility, just 250 miles (400km) from Apollo 11’s landing site.
一个由意大利领导的研究小组周一报告称,有证据表明月球上已知最深的坑可以进入一个相当大的洞穴。它位于宁静海,距阿波罗 11 号着陆点仅 250 英里(400 公里)。
The pit, like the more than 200 others discovered up there, was created by the collapse of a lava tube.
与那里发现的其他 200 多个坑一样,这个坑是由熔岩管塌陷形成的。