Escaping Fear: Why I Won’t Return to Thailand
Beijing resident Evelyn Lin bought a $274,000 flat in Bangkok in 2018, planning to use it during holidays. Yet, reports of kidnappings and human trafficking targeting Chinese nationals have deterred her from returning. Despite previously feeling safe during a two-month stay in Bangkok, recent news has changed her perspective. “I have no intention to go back to Thailand again,” the 39-year-old finance executive said, reflecting growing concerns over Southeast Asia’s safety for Chinese travelers.
北京居民林艾芙(Evelyn Lin)于2018年花费27.4万美元在曼谷购置了一套公寓,原本计划在假期时居住。然而,近期关于中国大陆公民被绑架及香港居民被贩运到附近国家诈骗团伙的新闻,让她对这个东南亚最受欢迎的旅游目的地望而却步。